the American film "Agam" moved countless audiences, and recently, a realistic version of "American Agam" appeared in the North American continent. He did not play the Vietnam War and see the president like the hero in the film, but he was shocked from the west coast of the United States to the East and to the east coast. All the United States. He is 36 year old Patrick Sweeney.
it should be stated in advance that Patrick is mentally sound and different from Agam played by Tom Hanks in the movie. Last Saturday, May 9th, when Patrick ran to the destination in Boston, the American media exclaimed: "he is really crazy!"
Patrick's heroic journey across the North American continent began in Losangeles, and his home is in this city. In this course called "the craziest marathon in the world", Patrick sometimes runs bare feet, because he runs every day on the beach in Losangeles. "It's a wonderful feeling."
and before he started off from Losangeles, he shaved his beard and looked clean and tidy, but when he arrived at the end of Boston, you could hardly recognize him because he had long beards and long hair, looking like an old man.
"that movie (Agam) influenced me." Patrick says one of the most classic scenes in the Agam story is that Agam's girlfriend yells "Run,
Forrest, run! (run, Forrest, run)", which often appears in Patrick's running feat. In the process of running, people often imitate the movie clips along the way, shouting at Patrick, "run fast, Forrest, run!"
"they feel great about shouting movie lines at me." Patrick said. Also, there are often a group of people running along with Patrick, like the bridge in the movie, where Patrick runs, and where they run, they think of Patrick as Agam. "I know they follow me."
it is learnt that Patrick's original idea of crossing the North American continent did not originate from "the story of Agam". "The real reason is that I met a girl who walked across the United States on bare feet, which shocked me." Patrick said, "so I also want to do something to raise money for charities (called the 100 mile Club)."
Patrick's run was guided by the Google map, from the west coast to the east coast, from Rhodes Island, the Washington Monument, the New York Times Square to the Central Park. "According to Google's calculation, I ran 3233 miles, more than 1000 hours."
How did Patrick accomplish his heroic deeds across the North American continent? It's curious. "I run a marathon every day, about 40 miles," Patrick said. "This speed is slow - my marathon is 2 hours and 37 points - but I can run unstopped.
along the way, Patrick experienced all kinds of strange things. He found the name of the two pub called "Sweeney". Like his name, he was as excited as he discovered the new world.
he also found a lot of rubbish along the way, and of course he picked up a baby, a jewel box with a wedding ring in it. "I guess who wanted to propose, the result was rejected, and the guy threw the ring down."
even more surprising is a man shooting a gun at him. "The guy pointed at me with a gun," Patrick said. "I don't know why he is, but it may be a warning to me. Of course, I just ran over some gardens and heard the gunshot..."
in the whole process, if there is no support from the team, Patrick will not be able to accomplish this feat. For this point, the first Chinese marathon runner Chen Bin Bin must have a deep understanding. Now, Chen Bin Bin is challenging "a marathon for 100 consecutive days." without logistics support, it is difficult to accomplish this feat. Unlike
and Chen, Patrick lived across North America, living in shelters, tents, and even in a cell. "My friends Vanessa and Sha Chi are runners. They give me huge support. For example, in order to solve the problem of sleeping, my team even telephoned a mayor of a small town hoping to apply to a single cell so that I could rest. As for bathing, Patrick didn't have a chance to take a shower for several days in the days of wind and sleeping. "That really impressed me."
now, Patrick can finally rest. Last Saturday, he ran to Boston and ended a 114 day crazy run - a distance of about 5400 kilometers. Now, is he not the real "Agam"?