140 kilometers, it is the distance between Ji'nan and Surabaya. It is less than one hour to ride high speed rail, and it will not take two hours to take a car. On the 21 day, Liu Guosheng and Chen Shilan, who were working in Ji'nan, rode a motorized tricycle to collect waste, rode in the cold wind for 6.5 hours, and used a circle of wheels to return to Surabaya's home for the Chinese New Year.
Liu Guosheng and Chen Shilan left their son, who was only 4 years old, to Ji'nan to work as an environmental sanitation worker in 2000. Later, two people started the business of purchasing waste products. After buying an electric hybrid tricycle in 2008, every year they ride a tricycle to return home for the new year. In January 20th, after the busy work on the hand, Liu Guosheng decided to go home in second days. He bought corn seeds specially, and 60 yuan to buy half a jin of tea.

9:00, and Liu Guosheng started loading the car, and he put the corn seeds he just bought on the car.

10:20, immediately to leave, Liu Guosheng and his wife all armed, inside and outside a few layers of cotton clothes,
21 9 hours, two people started loading. There are not many new products in the year. Most of them are used when they collect waste products. They are loaded with a full car. In order to keep warm, Liu Guosheng wore leather and leather trousers, two layers of cotton padded clothes and thick cotton shoes. Chen Shilan also wore three layers of cotton clothes from inside and outside.