the early Fuyang farmer Tao Xiangli was known to the world for his own submarines. Now, after several years of effort, he has created an intelligent machine by hand again. People, attract countless netizens to look around.
Fuyang farmer Tao Xiangli again! After five years of self-made intelligent robot shocked the world - play game network - single computer information

Tao Xiangli built a robot 2 meters high 1, very powerful
Fuyang farmer Tao Xiangli again! After five years of self-made intelligent robot shocked the world - Game Network - single machine information

the device to build robots can be used to describe
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Tao Xiangli now leased in a rental house in the West Third Ring marlian Road, Beijing. The interior facilities are shabby and light, and there are various tools in the basin. A two metre tall "big guy" robot crowded the room. Reporters saw that the skeleton of the robot was filled with motors, and the circuit was extremely complicated. The robot's heart has a screen, with dozens of control switches on its back. After
Tao Xiangli start switch, the robot can make leg lifting, waving, twisting the neck and other movements, even the eyes can blink. The reporter noticed that when Tao Xiang Li made different movements, the robot could follow suit. "It not only can do simple actions, but also can learn from the owner through infrared photoelectric induction." Tao Xiangli, speaking of the robot, opened the box: "it has 2 meters and 1 heights, 80 centimeters wide, four hundred or five hundred jin, 110 motors inside, two thousand or three thousand lines..."
for the invention and resigning of work
in World Expo, Shanghai in 2010, artist Cai Guoqiang held a special exhibition on the theme of "farmers, better city" on the occasion of the opening of the Shanghai the Bund Art Museum, all of which are the works of famous farmers in China, Tao Xiangli It was also invited. But then he died and disappeared from the public eye.
after the Expo, I returned to Beijing, and I gave up my job at KTV, and I hope to be able to make inventions with my heart and soul.
Tao Xiangli said, at the beginning, he was ready to make a diving robot. "But it's too complicated to do such a robot. There are too many parts that I need. I don't have so much money. At that time, the baby was born. At that time, I thought about the whole fun robot. Around the second half of 2010, I began to build robots.
it takes three years to "grind a sword"
"I do robots all by feeling, without any drawings, and all the tools are almost done by their own hands. The angle iron used to build the robot skeleton was bought from the waste station, and the valve and other components were removed from the motorcycle, while many motors were left in the submarine. Tao Xiangli recalled that last March, his wife took her child back to his home, but then he began to dissatisfied with his work.
Tao Xiangli told reporters that because of the small house, many times, he began to start in the yard. At the beginning, the neighbors were curious, of course, more is not understood, many people think that "can not be completed", even if good is "scrap iron".
however, as robots are getting closer and closer to the finished product, more people are looking at them with admiration. "Men and women, old and young, all gathered around to see the whole courtyard!" After three years, Tao Xiang Li's robot finally came out.
is on the final debug of
Tao Xiangli revealed that he spent about 300000 yuan on the robot, more than ten thousand of them made by themselves when they made their own submarines, and the rest of them were friends. "If I have enough money, I can do better in terms of intelligence, and of course the appearance will be more perfect." He said he named the "big guy" the king of innovation, because after so many years of invention, he felt that innovation is the most important thing. In recent days, Tao Xiang Li has been busy debugging the robot in order to make a public appearance.
from the original submarines to the "creative king" of today, Tao Xiang tasted the sweet and sour taste, and he could stick to it step by step, relying on determination and perseverance. "Wives and children have returned to their old home in Anhui. I only stick to them in Beijing, and I miss them. I hope that one day, I can bring my inventions and creations to my hometown's folks to see for themselves. " Tao Xiangli said.