[b]Larry Page in his own [url=https://plus.google.com/ LarryPage/posts/32xY3Z1zckL# LarryPage/posts/32xY3Z1zckL:g79l5pzf]Google [/url:g79l5pzf], he announced that he provided free influenza vaccine for all children in the San Francisco Bay Area in his own name. [/b] any child in the bay area can apply for [url=http://shootheflu.org/where/: g79l5pzf] before the end of the year, into the pharmacy [/url:g79l5pzf] of any Target store.

studies have shown that injection of influenza vaccine to children can also prevent the whole region and the elderly from being infected with the virus. The 2-8 day of December is the influenza vaccination week in the United States. Pei is also helping this week to help more children receive vaccine immunization.
live in the bay area, accurately saying that life around Larry Page and Sergey Brin really has a variety of benefits. We had previously reported that Sergey Brin would buy good places around your house, rented at very low prices to the institutions and stores that he thought of children, and provided convenience for their own children. The son also followed the light.
Via [url=https://plus.google.com/ LarryPage/posts/32xY3Z1zckL# LarryPage/posts/32xY3Z1zckL:g79l5pzf]Google Larry Page[/url:g79l5pzf]