students are attending open classes. A coach is giving them the key points of game techniques and tactics.
admission, Wang Yongxing to his son to the electricity, the other obviously very impatient: "Oh, don't ask." But after one month, my son volunteered two or three calls. This surprised him. In the past seven years when he left home for business, his son didn't call more than six or seven. On the 8 day of
11, Wang Xuze went to his father again to report that he was under pressure. Wang Yongxing understood that his son was invincible in Baotou, but it was inevitable that he would enter the great environment where strong hands gathered.

student Wang Xuze was depressed after losing a match under the line.
Training for a period of two months, if the level is high enough, then promoted to the vocational class to continue free training until picked up by the professional team. In return, the professional team will pay the college a "transfer fee".
compared with rolling interest classes, professional classes are set up only two sessions a year. In addition to the preferential promotion from the interest class, the vocational class students are selected mainly by the NED national contest show contest sponsored by the College of electric competition. In 2014, the first selection of the vocational class, only 15 of the 6800 applicants were enrolled, and the enrollment rate was 1/8 of the national civil service examination. Whether
can be promoted into vocational class becomes Wang Xuze's worry: "a little homesick."
Wang Yongxing wanted to make his son suffer. On hearing this, he softened up and hurried to visit. There, the father and son have reached a common understanding and are still working hard. If they stay, they will continue to pursue their dreams and stay back to school.
"electric race is still my dream, but it is not as strong as it used to be." Wang Xuze said.