260 beds are set up in the apartment, and the utilization rate of beds has remained above 90%. The average age of the elderly is 80.78 years old, the oldest is 102 years old. Among them, 70 are below 11%, 90 are 5.1%, 70-90 are 81.2%. Among them, the elderly who were admitted to the hospital accounted for 30% of the patients themselves, and 70% of those who took care of themselves.
apartment is divided into three levels. The elderly can choose freely according to the specific circumstances. There are 64 staff in the apartment, including 2 management personnel, 25 medical and nursing personnel, 35 life nursing staff and 2 workers. All the life nursing staff were qualified through pre job training.
apartment with a total of 12800 square meters, a single bed area of 10 square meters (the maximum suite area of 30 square meters, 18 square meters between the standard, two people 13.5 square meters). Apartment building design, room configuration, safety facilities, entertainment rehabilitation equipment are made according to the living habits and basic needs of the elderly. The apartment is divided into 4 areas: residential area, cultural entertainment area, life service area, rehabilitation medical area and so on.
(1) three types of residential differentiation: A, B, C (high, medium and low).
A type: two rooms have a bed with a bedroom, a guest room, a bathroom and a kitchen kitchen. The room is equipped with TV, telephone, air conditioning, sofa and self cooking utensils.
B: there are two beds in the room, with sofa, TV, telephone, air conditioner, toilet and closet.
C: one room has two to three beds. The room has a closet, a public toilet, a bathroom and a public telephone.
in order to facilitate the living of the elderly, the characteristics of the elderly are fully considered in the design. The corridor styles and colors of each floor are different, the shapes of the rooms in each room are different, and the bedding colors of the same room are different. Each floor has more than 80 square meters of comprehensive activity hall. In addition, the apartment is designed for barrier free activities and convenient for the elderly.
(two) cultural and recreational areas: a library, a painting room, a handmade studio, a tea club, a mahjong room, a gym, a opera music room, a billiard room, a table tennis room and a door court, and a self selected shop and a flower shop. And the electrical classroom, TV monitoring room, etc.
cultural entertainment area has paid attention to static and dynamic separation. The two floor is a quiet and elegant reading and leisure place, the first floor for fitness and exercise places.
(three) life service area: there are large and small restaurants, nutritious catering rooms, laundry rooms, barber shops, supermarkets and Shopping Tours. A large restaurant can serve 100 people, and a small restaurant can be used for the elderly to have meals with friends and family alone.
(four) rehabilitation medical area: medical examination is reliable, medical rehabilitation equipment is complete, CT room, blood pressure electrocardiogram monitoring room, functional rehabilitation room, hyperbaric oxygen and so on, high, middle and primary medical staff are reasonably equipped, which can guarantee the elderly people to get the corresponding treatment and rehabilitation. The
apartment has set up special services, such as the apartment management department, the cultural and entertainment Office, the life service department, the geriatric research center and the elderly body status evaluation committee. The common hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases were studied in the elderly, and the physical status of the elderly was evaluated by grade evaluation and microcomputer management. The application of multimedia TV monitoring system provides high tech management means for apartments.
[color=#ed1c24][b] "apartment hospital" mode is welcome
[/b][/color] Ji'nan hospital to use rich medical and talent resources, to provide the largest support for the apartment, vigorously develop medical care, highlight the characteristics of the hospital to run apartments. In the daily work, we have strengthened medical treatment, rehabilitation and health care. The old man here can enjoy the doctor's check out in the regular hospital every day, the body has any discomfort, the medical staff will appear on the bedside in the first time, and the treatment will not be transferred to other hospitals. In recent years, the apartment has successfully rescued more than 200 critically ill patients. Many elderly people suffering from chronic diseases in the hospital rehabilitation physiotherapy department have been trained and trained by doctors, and their bodies have been restored to varying degrees. In order to eliminate the psychological loneliness and loneliness of the elderly, the apartment managers have strengthened the psychological nursing research and clinical application of the elderly, organize personnel training, learn psychological nursing knowledge, meet the psychological nursing needs of the elderly, and have achieved good clinical results.