There is plenty of rain! The precipitation in Ji'nan in June is nearly 1 times more than that in the same period of the year
Qilu one point
1 days from the Ji'nan hydrology bureau, the City Meteorological Bureau and the municipal Defense Office, Ji'nan June precipitation in the city average of 174.1 millimeters, 98.7% more than the same period of the year, 2.5 times the same period last year,
fifth places in the same period (since 1950, the same) (the first three are 253.9 mm in 1986, 206.4 mm in 1980, 196 mm in 2004). The total precipitation in the city is 349.9 mm flat since this year, 81.5% more than that in the same period of the year. It was 2.1 times the same period last year, ranking second in the same period of history (the first is 373.3 millimeters in 1980).
8 in July 1st, the total amount of water storage of ten large and medium-sized reservoirs in the city was 57 million 180 thousand cubic meters, 8 million 850 thousand cubic meters more than that of the same period in the same period, and 22 million 890 thousand cubic meters less than that of the same period last year. The hushushan reservoir has a water level of 122.18 meters and a storage capacity of 26 million 600 thousand cubic meters. The water level of the Yellow River Bridge at Xiaoqing River is 20.73 meters, and the flow rate is 15.7 cubic meters per second.