The standard for the sale of the allocated housing on the ground is 1% of the transaction price.
Shun Net - Ji'nan daily
recently, the office of the municipal government issued the provisional registration of land registration for urban housing listed in Ji'nan. Notifications of relevant questions. The notice made clear that the transfer of real estate to other people (real estate transfer) by the right owners of urban housing on the land through sale, gift or other legal means should be paid in the change of registration. The collection standard is 1% of the house price.
to further standardize the transfer and change of land transfer fees for land transfer and change registration of land on land (except for affordable housing), the office of the municipal government has issued the above-mentioned notice. On the issue of land transfer payment, it is clearly stated in the notice that the transfer of real estate to other people (real estate transfer) by the owner of the urban housing estate through sale, gift or other legal means should be paid in the change of registration. The collection standard is 1% of the house transaction price, and the transaction price is determined according to the deed tax backstepping of the house transaction. That is, the transaction price of the house is equal to the deed tax divided by the deed tax rate without transaction price, which is determined by the calculation of his house price in the same area and position in the price identification system of the municipal tax department.
on the time limit for the use of land, it is clearly stated in the notice that the number of land transfer for the transfer of urban housing and the payment of land transfer gold for the land on the land is 70 years. The real estate register also indicates the time of housing acquisition, the first set of housing transfer and the time of transfer of the housing units. As to the definition of the way of land use, it is clear that the transfer of urban housing on the land and the land use right to pay the land grant are defined as the transfer of land, no longer to perform the procedures for the approval of the land use and no longer to sign the contract for the transfer of the right to use the land.