Wang Yuelin
at 10:00 on 9 days, at the two weft six road intersection, a left - turned passenger car bumped into a seventy ten day old man crossing the road, the old man fell down on the ground, and his head bleed. When the incident happened, the sun shone brightly, and there were good hearted people holding up umbrellas for the injured old people and blocking the hot sunshine.
the head of the old man at the intersection of the head blood flow more than
9 days, at 10:02, a net friend said, in the two weft six road intersection, an old man was knocked down by a car, the head blood flow, the crowd dialed 120, and young people help the old people to support the sun, in order to block the sun .
the micro-blog photo released by the net friend showed that an old man was lying on the ground on the sidewalk at the mouth of the viaduct at the six weft Road, surrounded by a lot of people, and a bus was stopped at the scene. After the old man was taken away by ambulance, a blood stain was left on the ground.
11:00, the reporter came to the scene. There is a lot of sand on the sidewalk on the east side of the road between two and six, and witnesses say that the old man fell down here. "At that time, the sun was so toxic that the old lady who was lying on the ground was directly exposed to the two good hearted people who held her umbrella before and after." Witnesses said that the umbrella was a man, a woman and two young people. They waited until the old man was sent away by ambulance.
the old companion recalled
the car left the left speed of the wife
in the emergency room of the Shangdong Province-owned Hospital, the reporter saw the old man who had been injured, and he described the incident to the reporter.
"I and my wife are walking through the six weft from west to East, and when the green lights go to the east side of the road, a car turns left, and the speed is very fast, and I have a sudden blow." Uncle Sun said that when he crossed the road, he walked sideways along with his wife. The two men were separated by about half a metre, and the car crashed his wife.
uncle Sun said he couldn't help crying, and he kept on saying, "why didn't I bump into it?"
reporters learned that as at 17:30 on 9, the injured elderly are still in the rescue.
people suggested
two latitude and six things to set left turn signal
at two weft six road junction, the reporter noticed that the north and South signal lights have a separate left turn signal lamp, but the East and West signal light is not, when the thing passes to the green light, the straight line and the left turn vehicle release at the same time, and There are pedestrians in their peers. Many vehicles turn into the viaducts under the Viaduct under the six way viaduct.
"the left turn of the vehicle and the pedestrians go straight together, it is easy to have a traffic accident, and if you can set a left turn signal in the direction of the East and the West." Nearby residents, Mr. Li said that pedestrians must be very careful when crossing the intersection.