sell a IBM external Canbo, the read disk is not very good, not a non read, sell a corpse price, 50 take the
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downloading times: 0
[url= Aid=954739.amp; amp; k=e65fb74482156084a420965833ba0598.amp; amp; t=1269148240.amp; amp; fid=251.amp; amp; nothumb=yes.amp; The number of load: 0
2010-3-19 12:18

[url= Aid=954740.amp; amp; k=8fadf91f880a50269a797df9ffcc36ac.amp; amp; t= 1269148240.amp. BT1ZEutWu3N4T/cSZEPE7X0jxP3EAp8P2jt7DLu6eo:24vtisn2]IMAGE_009.jpg[/url:24vtisn2] (267.42 KB)
download times: 0
2010-3-19 12:18