if you want a friend to do a game to buy vkm, it has been closed for two months and has been idle for a long time.
original GZ switcher KVM switcher eight inlet and one switch GZ-K801
specific model is: GZ-k801 (Guang Zheng)
total 4 sets, two less data lines, no power line, all to 300 yuan.
single set, 100 yuan for data line.
use specification
this product is a KVM switcher, and it is convenient to use a set of display keyboard and mouse to centrally manage and maintain a number of computer hosts.
1. connects the monitor keyboard and mouse signal output port of KVM switcher to display, keyboard and mouse respectively.
2. then connects each monitor keyboard and mouse signal input of the switcher to the corresponding host.
3. connects the display and the power of each host.
4. presses the switcher button to display the information of the specified host, and the user can operate the host.
mainly for game studios, Internet cafes, monitoring, corporate servers, and so on, 1 people use multiple computer sites
1, save investment (save 7 displays, 7 sets of mouse and keyboard)
2, save cost (save 7 displays electricity)
3, save space (save 7 display space)

self access address, Zhang Zhuang Road Auto match city Nearby
contact QQ, 1329288319
telephone: 15662437275