however, according to a friend in Tai'an, "Taishan Shi Dang Dang" in its local "do not have a say." Shi Dang Dang is a strong man living in Taishan. He lives by hunting and firewood. Once a teacher, he was brave and brave. One day he went to the city to sell firewood. He saw a notice posted by Wang Yuan: who could win the devil for his family? The original Wang post has a thousand gold miss, "keep in the boudoir did not know", misfortune was misled by a goblin, Wang Yuanwai asked the cow nose to set up the altar to catch a demon, by a goblin kick down the altar, falling down the bloodstream. There is no choice but to ask for help. Shi Dang was brave and determined to wipe out pests. He held a sword in his room. When the fairy came in, he raised his sword and shouted, "Taishan stone dare to be here!" A goblin listens, frightened to drive a demon to escape. After the event, Wang Yuanwai was not like the old lady in the "West Chamber" - the thief did not recognize the account, made Zhang Sheng happy, but sent the miss to Taishan, and the stone dared to be a pro. Who knows the goblin escapes and runs to another village for scourge. The villagers heard that the stone would be able to drive a demon and came to ask him. However, Shi Gan Dang rushed to the village, and the goblin ran to the village again. Later, the wise wife said to him, "why not engrave your name on the stone tablet and put it on the wall of the house?" Stone dare listen to feel reasonable, busy to tell you this idea. So the family set up Shijie.

in fact, from folklore, this originated from the primitive worship of the ancient stones. Ancient humans used stone axes, stone knives and stone sickle to hunt, dig, plant, fire and defend themselves. Living hard from a difficult time of flood. There is still a fairy tale of Nu Wa to make up the stone and make up the sky. The folk "Taishan Shi Dang Dang" is exactly the charm of stone worship. It is folklore.