Daming Lake in the south of the Qilu one point news client and east of the Baihua Lake. When people were in the city of the Ming Fu City, it might be unexpected that there was once a grand Taishan palace, and the palace was still a good one. The earliest Taishan palace in the South was built in the Ming Dynasty. Recently, this long dusty Taishan Imperial Palace site has broken through the earth and unveiled its mysterious veil. The site of
located in the center of
construction site of the center of the Baihua block area is fully revealed in the site of the Taishan Palace site found in this construction. It is located in the central position of the Baihua Zhou section, located on the south side of the Furong Creek, the east of the mirror culvert pool, and the excavation area of 400 square meters.

Taishan palace excavates the scene of the scene, the palace is located in the center of the Baihua block, located on the south side of the hibiscus Creek, the mirror culvert Chi Yidong, the excavation area of 400 square meters . At the scene of the
according to the staff of archaeological Archaeological Institute of Ji'nan, the archaeological exploration and excavation of the Taishan Palace site, which was found in the Baihua Zhou area from October 23, 2016 to December 2nd, was carried out in conjunction with the Baihua Zhou project in the Ming Fu City, Ji'nan. A total of 5 housing sites, two stone tablets, two stone carvings and two pieces of porcelain and building components were found.

the ruins of the Palace site in Taishan. Ji'nan Archaeological Research Institute