to a place, first to know his address, the general will be specific to the XX Street (Road) XX, you want to come to Ji'nan, I told you have to know the economic. Those things on the south gate.
the door number of Ji'nan is such:
the door card of Ji'nan is blue bottom white character, the above is the name of the road, the middle is the number, the following line is the postal code, this is the style of the unified system made by the public security organs. If you see the number of the door is not like this, this door number is not regular.
Road gate number in Ji'nan, this unit sees a door card in Lubei
. If it is the East and West Road, the number of the door card will gradually increase from east to west, the road north is single, the road begins with the first gate of 1; Luan is a double number. The first gate of road south of Lu Nan is No. 2, and so on.
north-south route is gradually increasing north to south, road starting Road West first gate is No. 1; road south is double number, road starting Road, the first gate of the first gate is 2, and so on. The road gate number of Ji'nan,
Ji'nan, takes the method of zero point measurement on the ten road through the way of measuring the number of the ten road, that is, "rice" as a unit, from the starting point of the ten road to start the measurement, to the middle of each building gate position. Distance, for its door number. After measuring, the number of House No. 31150 is generated through ten roads. The number is located in a company near the ten West End of the Tsun Shan interchange. The road gate number of Ji'nan is
when the public security organs make up the door card number, the road north is starting point as the starting point. It is made from north to south, and the east side of the road is double.