the director of the children's Hospital of the capital Pediatrics Institute, the director of the children's Hospital, Guan Fei
often eat something like cold and hot, sour and sweet stimuli that cause some damage to the teeth, but this It's hard to avoid some of our normal diet. I think one to guarantee the quality of the teeth, that is, to ensure the quality of the teeth in the eruption process, if the tooth eruption quality is very good, to resist the ability to resist the erosion is a little stronger.
also, pay attention to brushing your teeth. It is necessary to clean the teeth in the shortest time, so it is a good way to protect the teeth.
I suggest that parents eat more coarse fiber food for their children, like some cold green vegetables, some coarse fiber fruits, and a little bit rough food. This can make the child clean when chewing, I do not encourage parents to eat chewing gum for children, because parents eat chewing gum for their children, some children chew on one side, and when the children's bones are not developed and sound, the development of one side jaw is more asymmetrical than the other side of the jaw. The shape of the face will cause the shape to be skewed, so parents should not be encouraged to gum gum to their children.