Dreamhostapps free Wordpress free phpbb forum and so on, GG preferred free blog.
Dreamhostapps provided by Dreamhost, which can automatically install the Wordpress English version of
Dreamhostapps except Wordpress. R / > application address: [url:1kuxf720]http://panel.dreamhostapps.com/signup/[/url:1kuxf720]
first step: select one of the first two options, the first one is the three level domain name: the yourname.dreamhosters.com type. The second is our own domain name, such as yourname.com, which recommends using its own domain name.
second step: choose your own domain name. If you choose your domain name on the first one, fill in your domain name here.
third steps: select the program you want to install, here are WordPress, Drupal, Zenphoto, phpBB, MediaWiki, the 5 app programs
fourth steps: directly skip
fifth steps: fill your mailbox, confirm the mailbox, password, the birthplace (to retrieve the password), the verification code, and then the following two items of the same If you click on the blue button, submit it to your mail box.
you will receive several mails at the same time, which are what to teach you, and the backstage login name and password of each program.
Apps now support these programs: the
dns setting method: CNAME domain name resolution to wordpress.dreamhost.com
dns setting method: CNAME domain name resolution to drupal.dreamhost.com
dns setting method: CNAME your domain name resolution I.dreamhost.com
Apps management address: http://panel.dreamhostapps.com/manage
the background management address of each program, please see the mail.