in the past 30 years, more and more adults in Europe and the United States have been suffering from a name called "the m -->
". The "nonalcoholic fatty liver" (NASH) "rich and precious disease", in the United States only about 16 million people in varying degrees by the impact of NASH, some experts say that by 2020, 64 million people may be affected by NASH, then NASH will exceed the hepatitis, the largest cause of liver transplantation.

reports that liver cirrhosis is usually caused by alcoholism, and a lot of NASH patients do not drink, and how to "recruit"? Dr. Dominic Ryan, a famous French medical scientist, called NASH "American disease" or "carbonated drink disease", he pointed out that many people in the United States drink 2 litres of -3 liters of carbonated drinks a day, which forces the liver to run out of life, make fibrosis, and eventually lead to cirrhosis.