Shun Network - Ji'nan times
unqualified samples, the substandard items were mainly coliform exceeding standard, benzoic acid exceeding standard, sorbic acid exceeding the standard, and the total number of colonies exceeding the standard. Among them, the coliform group exceeded the standard more seriously, there are 8 batches, mainly related to frozen drinks, seasoning, Rose products and fresh milk bar yogurt and other foods.
staff of the Ji'nan food and Drug Administration Bureau told reporters that unqualified food producers will be monitored to stop producing, selling and using unqualified food, taking measures to remediate, harmless treatment and destruction of unqualified food, and to recalls the unqualified food that has been out and sold.
coliform is one of the common indicator bacteria commonly used in food pollution at home and abroad. This bacteria group mainly originates from human and animal feces, which is used as an indicator of fecal pollution to evaluate the hygienic condition of food and infer the possibility of contamination of intestinal pathogenic bacteria in food. Ji'nan food and drug administration staff said that the coliform group is not a bacteriological classification, but a group of bacteria related to fecal pollution, which include Escherichia coli, citrate, Klebsiella and Enterobacter cloacae. Coliform bacteria were detected in foods, suggesting that the possibility of contamination by pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella, Shigella, and E. coli, is more likely.
why is the coliform group exceeding the standard in frozen drinks and condiments? The staff of the Ji'nan food and Drug Administration (food and Drug Administration) believe that it may be contaminated by the raw materials and packaging materials of frozen drinks and condiments, or that the products are contaminated by personnel, production equipment, environment and sterilization during production. The sterilization of the products of the process is not thorough and so on.
experts say that if you eat a large coliform group of super food, low resistance such as old people, children and so on, it is very easy to cause diarrhea and other intestinal diseases, such as vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms.
remind raw food to keep refrigerators separately and regularly clean
how to avoid coliform in food? For ordinary families, as long as the following steps are done, even if there is a certain number of coliform groups, it can also be effectively prevented:
first, before processing food, it should be the opponent, cooking tools and prosperity. The utensils are cleaned and sterilized so as to avoid too many bacteria attached to food.
secondly, foods should be kept separate when they are kept. They should be kept at low temperature to keep bacteria from breeding. The refrigerator should also be cleaned regularly.
finally, the food from the fridge must be heated before eating, and the heating temperature must be above 70 C and last for 2 minutes. Experts say most of the bacteria can be destroyed at high temperatures. If they are able to heat their food, they should be heated and cooled.