[flash=400550,0]http://static.youku.com/v1.0.0296/v/swf/loader.swf? VideoIDS=XNDkxNzUyMzAw.amp; embedid=MTEwLjIzMi41Ni4xNAIxMjI5MzgwNzUCAg==.amp; wd=[/flash]
many netizens know this granny through the QQ login interface of the Chongyang Festival. The old man still lives by selling paintings every day, striving for dreams, just like our young people. We want to overcome the limitations of capital, manufacturing and market, and bring more creative products to the real life, like old granny, who is so ordinary and full of fantastic ideas and designer ideas. [b] grandma is like our designer. We are equal. [/b][b] supports everyone with creativity and dreams. This may be the beginning of a change in the world. [/b]
[url=http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDkxNzUyMzAw.html:1y1tiey9]iOS browse video [/url:1y1tiey9]

in communication with grandma, it can feel the strength and warmth of her paintings and her own, and finally decide to Her paintings make a series of derivatives, and grandma can get rewards from every product.

hopes to overcome the limitations of capital, manufacturing, and market, and bring more creative products to the real life, like the ordinary and full of fantastic people and designer ideas like granny. Grandma is like our designer. We are equal. We are working with grandma to complete our dream. This may be the beginning of a change in the world.