doctor's advice to elderly health care is usually moderate exercise but not too much. But a 85 year old woman in South Africa has proved that even at such an advanced age, running a half marathon (about 21 kilometers) is no problem. Larkin is a retired pianist. In May 2017, she took part in a half marathon in Switzerland. She finished the race in 2 hours and 5 minutes, setting her world record for this age group.

if you think Larkin loves running from a young age, you're wrong. She didn't begin to love running until seven years ago. "Before I was 78 years old, I was in college last time, and I ran very bad." Larkin said she was diagnosed with osteoporosis in 2000, but she could not alleviate her condition by taking drugs or injecting drugs. In 2010, with the encouragement of her son, she began to run.