Yu Na
7 month 7 is the 80th anniversary anniversary of the 77 incident, it is the 100 year old of the Anti Japanese War veterans, he is in the sick bed. I had a special birthday. Remembering his father's life, Ma Lao's children are proud and emotional. In a century, he went through a series of major battles in the war of resistance against Japan and the war of liberation. He participated in the war of resistance against the US aggression and aid Korea, and there were more than 10 signs of fire and bullets on him. Now it is the year of the year of the age of the old horse in the heart of a long time, he has been told that the children must eventually send him back to his old home, he will always be with the old comrades.
veteran Ma Maozong ushered in the ward for the hundredth birthday
four generations, 10 children and son-in-law 7 were soldiers