Information Times report, according to the British media 17 reports, the UK 82 year old Marie scoli has 10 children, her grandchildren, Ceng Sunbei and the descendants of the grandchildren as many as 80 people, and she can remember the names of all people, and also send them Christmas cards.
he has 33 grandchildren, 44 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and her son, Stephen Gregori, said, "I don't know how she remembered all the names. It's amazing!" She writes most of her Christmas cards herself and then goes to the mall to look for gifts, which is a heavy task.
scoli's first husband, Jim, died 20 years ago. They have 10 children, two of whom are twins. Now she lives in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, with her second husband, Raymond. "I never thought of such a huge family," said scolli. Christmas is a busy season, because I have too many gifts to prepare, and I find it hard to remember all the names. "