3, a special wedding was held in the old town of filial town, Pingyin county. The bride was Guan Xiuying, 91 years old, and the bridegroom was 65 year old Liu Zhihai. It sounds fresh. "In the old age, I will be happy to get married again, and I will be able to live for decades." The old man said happily, Liu Zhihai.
"five good men" won "heart"
the old man Liu Zhihai had a short marriage when he was young, and because of the growing age, Liu Lao was admitted to the home of filial piety in April 2013.
after admission, Liu Zhihai actively exerts waste heat, and is obliged to help the nursing home pruning the flowers and plants and seedlings. It also helps the people who can't care for their own food, and often helps other people to repair the bench and bench, so they are well received by the people and become the "five good men" in the courtyard.
2013 October, when the 91 year old Guan Xiuying old man was admitted to the nursing home, Liu Zhihai ran and ran to feed her. In particular, last winter, Guan Xiuying accidentally fell, and Liu Zhihai sent rice to take medicine to help the old man take a walk in the garden. Guan Xiuying was very grateful to the old man, and gradually became fond of Liu Zhihai. He often helped him stitch up and wash clothes.
they want to give up
but as time went on, Liu Zhihai and Guan Xiuying had feelings. But they felt that the influence was not good enough. "It's too old to be in love again." The old man said, Guan Xiuying.
last year of La twenty-three, the elderly hospital organized the old year, Guan Xiuying and Liu Zhihai were wrapped in dumplings, Guan Xiuying old man said: "good care in the old courtyard, in case of a headache is also inconvenient." Liu Zhihai answered, "old Guan Jie, I will take care of you and marry you." In this way, the two old men finally opened their knot.
with the support of the director of the nursing home and other elderly people, two elderly people registered in the County Civil Affairs Bureau in February 18th and received the marriage certificate.
nearly 100 old people sent blessing
to get the marriage certificate. They adjusted the room for them in the nursing home, and moved two old men into a couple.
it's easy to see the two old people walking together. The old house has been thinking of holding a grand wedding for them. After a tight plan, in March 4th, the old house invited the TV host to host the wedding for the elderly.
surrounded by hundreds of elderly people, the ribbon, lanterns, red characters and window flowers are especially good for the festive environment. "With our old friends, we must support each other. The happy life is just beginning, and we will strive for more than a few decades." The old man said happily.