Common JavaScript regular expressions in programming development
* checks used in programming development for positive integer
function isUnsignedInteger (strInteger)
var newPar=/^\d. Value, strUnit)
var testMoney = Eval (.Quot; /^\\d (\\.\\d{0,.Quot;}). / * validation floating-point number
function checkTextDataForFLOAT (strValue)
var regTextFloat = / ^? (\d) * (\.) * * * * Ode]/**
* verify the digital
function checkTextDataForNUMBER (strValue)
var regTextNumber = / ^ ]/**
* verifies the English alphabet, and does not distinguish between the
function checkTextDataForENGLISH (strValue)
var regTextEnglish = /^.#91; a-zA-Z.#93; ----------------------------
* verifying upper case English alphabet
function checkTextDataForENGLISHUCASE (strValue)
var regTextEnglishUCase = /^.#91; ----------------------------------------------------------------
* verifying lowercase English alphabet
function checkTextDataForENGLISHLCASE (strValue)
var regTextEnglishLCase = /^.#91; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* verifies English letters and numbers, and does not distinguish between
function checkTextDataForENGLISHNUMBER (strValue)
var regTextEnglishNumber = /^.#91; * * $/; <; < Br />return regTextEnglishNumber.test (strValue);