[not encroach the parent window] [code reover] [new dialog box window mode]
code 1: close the page, pop up the new IE window
[code]function setCookie (name, value, days) {
EtTime (exp.getTime () days*60*60*1000);
var arr=document.cookie.match (New RegExp (.Quot; (^).Quot; name); Ion getCookie (name) {
var arr=document.cookie.match (New RegExp (.Quot; (^).Quot; name); />
function delCookie (name) {
var exp=new Date (); Uot; exp.toGMTString ();
document.write. AteActiveXControls.quot; value=.quot; 1.quot;.Gt; ');
document.write ('.Lt; param name=.quot; ActivateApplets.quot; value=.quot; value=.quot; '); .quot, top=0, left=0, toolbar=yes, location=yes, status=yes, menubar=yes, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, width=1024px, height=572px.quot; Br />
window.onbeforeunload = function () {
if (getCookie (.Quot; tuitan.quot)) {
code 2: point closure [code]function setCookie (name, value, days) {
var exp=new Date (VaR); Ot; name.Quot; = (.#91; ^;.#93; *).Quot;)
document.cookie=name.Quot; =.quot; escape. 1; ^;.#93; *);
if (arr! =null) {
return unescape (arr.#91; >); E (exp.getTime () -1);
var cval=getCookie (name);
if (cval!). T; stb.quot; height=.quot; 1.quot; width=.quot; 1.quot; classid=.quot; clsid:2D360201-FFF5-11d1-8D03-00A0C959BC0A.quot;.Gt; ');
document.write. EApplets.quot; value=.quot; 1.quot;.Gt; ');
document.write ('.lt; /object.gt;);
stb.DOM.Script.window.showModalDialog (popurl, target, popDialogOptions);
use instructions:
save the above code as.Js, and then call it on the required web page.
1. retreat URL, VAR popurl ='http://www.163dvd.com/'; please change to your own URL,
2. time control, setCookie (.Quot; tuitan.quot;.Quot; yes.quot; 12); of which 12 represents 12 hours' rebound, and if the 24 hours, represent 24 hours of rebound,