CSS UL Li picture - non - change - cross style
div CSS, a lot of time to display data, such as navigation. =.quot; menu.quot;.Gt;
.Lt; ul.gt;
.Lt; li.gt;.Lt; a href=.quot. /li.gt;
.Lt; li.gt;.Lt; a href=.quot; #.quot;.Gt;.Lt; /a.gt;.Lt. A href=.quot; #.quot;.Gt; forum.Lt; /a.gt;.Lt; /li.gt;
.Lt; Li class=.quot. #menu UL {list-style:none; margin:0px;}
#menu UL Li {float:left;} [/code]
this sentence is the cancellation of the list, because we do not need these points / clauses, this sentence is the indentation of delete. So that all the contents of the list are not reduced to
#menu UL Li {float:left;}
the float:left here is displayed on the same line, so the floating property (float) is used.