HTML5-JS file - let IE browsers support HTML5 standards
comes up with a lot of attention from the standard of HTML5, and it is also a great concern to be able to support the standard as the largest user of the world's largest user. A problem, let IE (including IE6) support the HTML5 element, and we need to add the following JavaScript to the HTML header, which is a simple document.createElement declaration that uses the conditional annotation to call the JS file for the IE. Opera, FireFox and other non IE browsers will ignore this code, and there will be no HTTP request.
[code].lt;! -.#91; if IE.#93;.Gt;
.lt; script src= The tml5.js file must be added to the head element of the page, because the IE browser must know the element before the element parsing, so the JS file cannot be called at the bottom of the page.
this HTML5 JS file is provided by the author on Google code project for direct calls, of course, if it feels that this will affect your web opening speed, you can download the HTML5's JS file directly and upload it to your own server individually.
the code in the JS file of HTML5:
HTML5 Shiv v3.7.0 @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal. O.#93;.#93; b|| (b={}, h, a.#91; o.#93; =h, n.#91; h.#93; =b); .test (a)? C.frag.appendChild (b): b}function t (a, b) {if (a, b) {if (b.cache) b.cache={}. Eturn function () {var n=f.cloneNode (), c=n.createElement; h.shivMethods.amp;.Amp;.Quot; m ().Join ().Replace. J.amp;.Amp; b.hasCSS) {var C, d=a; c=d.createElement (.Quot; p.quot;); d=d.getElementsByTagName (.Quot; head.quot;). Te{display:none}.lt; /;.Quot;
c=d.insertBefore (c.lastChild, d.firstChild); b.hasCSS=!! c}g||t (a, b); Tbody|td|th|tr|ul) $/i, J, o=.quot; _html5shiv.quot; h=0, n={}, G; (function) {try{var a=f.createElement; Efined.quot; ==typeof c.cloneNode||
.quot; undefined.quot; ==typeof c.createDocumentFragment||.quot; undefined.quot; ==typeof c.createElement}g=b}catch (d) {g=j=! Group main mark meter NAV output progress section summary template time video.quot. F (g) return a.createDocumentFragment (); for (VaR b=b||i (a), c=b.frag.cloneNode (), d=0, e=m ().