NativeScript is an open source framework that uses the JavaScript language to build cross platform native mobile applications. And the use of NativeScript is not too complicated and requires only the use of the JavaScript and CSS skills that you have already mastered to develop a mobile application that really has a native user experience.

as the NativeScript of the free open source project, its source code has been hosted on Github so that developers can be used without any threshold constraints. In addition to learning new programming languages, using all the familiar JavaScript codes and CSS to create application styles, the strengths of NativeScript are the use of cross platform UI abstraction, shared business logic, and third party native libraries.

100% access native platform API: the entire native platform functionality is available on the JavaScript layer.

based on ECMAScript5 JavaScript and CSS standards: using existing skills to build native applications.
100% share code: build Android, iOS and Windows Phone applications based on once coding.
the application developed using NativeScript:

Amroo is an application specially designed for pet owners. When you are going on a business trip or a holiday, you can find it through this application. To the person who can help you look after the pet. Simple and intuitive interface design and function are achieved through NativeScript, you can also try.

Tasks is a task management application for planning and monitoring the process of things, and its construction, of course, comes from the NativeScript technology.