Breaking the restriction of the photo theft chain through JS
break chain
implementation code:
[code]function showImg (URL) {
var frameid = = \ '' URL 'Math.random ()' \ '/.gt;.Lt;; window.onload = function () {parent.document.getElementById (\' 'frameid' / ').Height = document.getElementById (\'img\'); Arent.img;.Quot; frameBorder=.quot; 0.quot; scrolling=.quot; no.quot; width=.quot; 100%.quot;.Gt;.Lt; /; Empty (not recommended, because in some browsers that open privacy mode, or under HTTPS page references, referer is empty)
2, address change (lighttpd is based on valid time, nginx based on MD5)
3, login check (if you have to log in to the website account)