The importance of website design in Chinese case
[b] often forget to attach importance to writing copywriting as a design structure to highlight copywriting on a web page. Today we will discuss why copywriting is so important, who should learn to master it and how to design content centered. [/b] as designers, we take time to focus on aesthetics. Attractive websites can fundamentally improve websites. We are the most admired admirers of this concept.
we use the "Lorem Ipsum" text typesetting generator to build our typesetting model, so we can return to better things when we have time. The deadline (or even ourselves) is still possible to postpone the copywriter to the last second. Then, all kinds of GTD programs inform us that it is time to submit our work, and we are in a hurry to put some sketches on the beautiful work, and then throw it out. Finally, even though each page is not critical, there are still many defective copywriters.
for most of us, how to program is very simple for us. We are the visual monsters that grow by excellent design. However, the problem is that our neglect of real copywriters has greatly affected our final products, even worse than those poor designs. Unless your target market is a designer, most of your users do not talk to you about design. You tell them, they will be surprised why anyone will provide such services.
of course, they can often explain what is ugly and what is identical, just like us, but only at an intuitive level. What they really care about is the overall feeling of the website, whether it is smooth or tedious, and whether it is easy to operate. This is what the designer says, excellent design is transparent. If your users are concerned about the interface, it's probably because they hate this interface.
this transparent metaphor applies to copywriting on Web pages as well. It is worth mentioning that in fact, the general user's education in reading and writing is far more than the design, although it is still a standard education product. For these users, we will call them "normal users" rather than our visual monsters. Browsing web pages is a reading experience for them. They pay close attention to those promotional advertisements and list of features related to service, or even more focus on the visual layout of elements on the web page. They will even be more willing to hire such designers -- what kind of design works they make. If you have enough solid copywriters, they will not care much or much. They are busy with the content of the copywriting.
[b] positive or negative? [/b]
the key point I want to say here is that design and copywriting are different sides of a coin and are interconnected. Instead of simply looking at design or text, users are looking at a website, whether a single integrated project is desirable or not.
has a trick to discard "text typesetting" as much as possible in the design process. If there is no concept of design goal, stop those designs. If there are no copywriters, you can set aside a box before you know what to put in it. In another way, we should consider the following sentence "Jeffrey Zeldman:
[b]" content before design. The design without content is not design, but decoration. [/b]
that's what I mean. Unless you are purely designed for design without any professional risks, design should help strengthen content messages, not the other way around.
as an experiment, you can try some of the contents you want to display on the page first in your next project. Add the title, copywriter, column, small pendant, navigation, everything you can think of, don't bring design. The first thing is to put all the contents up, once you think about the typesetting position, then start to stylized. You can try different ways to arrange and add colors to make the page lively.
this design is not only more efficient, but also more innovative. The reason why it is more efficient is that the structure of the entire page highlights and expresses your main message. Obviously, because even at the beginning of the design process, you have to focus on structuring your information expression. It is best to use a simple text editor so that you will not be disturbed by the appearance of the text information, but only pay attention to its reading effect.
consider your target group above everything. Who do you want to read the news? What have they already had in this respect? Why is it not good enough? Of course, the most important question is: what websites do they want to use? Buy products? Hire staff? Wait銆� We will discuss these issues in future articles. Now we only need to know that this is the key issue of good marketing.
finally, the above method will generate more innovative design, because you do not use the website you have seen as a starting point. You should solve a problem instead of using someone else's design to put on the coat you designed. The question is, of course, how best to arrange and style the content already on the web page. In traditional methods, it is generally just that you purchase pre designed templates to fill content in predefined space. A better way is to tailor and design space based on pre-existing content.
focus on content, whether it's [/b]
you write a common problem. As a designer, writing a copywriting is your job. The final answer sounds like an escape, but in reality, it is true: it depends on you. However, no matter how you answer this question, the focus of your work is still content.
in some cases, designers never have to consider writing a word themselves. This is mostly in traditional design companies, with separate design departments and copywriting departments. I have seen with myself such large marketing companies as I have worked with, such as printing enterprises, such as magazine publishers.
in such a case, magazines employ many writers, and never imagine their designers' language talent. However, the operation mode of these enterprises is just the suggestion that I advocate the design of webpage design. Magazine designers have new or "beautified" content every day. Magazines have a mature style, but the pages and pages can be different, and each page has a challenge of innovation and space requirements. Therefore, even if they are not writers, magazine designers are often good at creating content centered design.
other common cases are the dilemma of freelancers. In this case, you are single - handedly. No copywriter or senior editor works with your design team, only yourself. In this case, whether or not you think it is fair to you, it is a necessary skill to hone the copywriting, and the fact is that the customer will think so.
I'm sorry that this is too demanding, but if you use Photoshop better than Deke McClelland (best-selling writer, Photoshop authorist), but you can't write an excellent title to save your life, you're not a good free worker. Now is the time to give up the past excuses and study hard and write copywriting. Let your weakness become your strength. To have a competitive advantage, you can tell potential customers something they do not have in the design of the template they have distributed from the low-end designer they found on Mars.
copy resources [/b]
[url= 32bp3x1b]Fuel Your Writing (blog) [/url:32bp3x1b]
[url= 32bp3x1b]How to Write Tips-for-writing-effective-web-copy:32bp3x1b]10 Tips For Writing Effective Web Copy[/url:32bp3x1b]
[url=]Copywriting 101:
An Introduction / > remember, your design aims to strengthen the web page Content. If you are a designer who has always loved each other, please write strong and convincing copywriting as your primary goal in every job.
welcome to comment, let us know your idea of the article, whether or not the copywriter is very important in your design process.
source: [url=]designshack[/url:32bp3x1b]
compile: [url= 32bp3x1b]MazingTech[/url:32bp3x1b]