Re: 90 after the male drift: in 90s, my parents went to Shenzhen. 18-03-30 [img:2d17o2ni]http#58; //n#46; sinaimg#46; cn/news/1_img/vcg/c4b46437/0/w1024h576/20180330/j7ee-fyssmmc5443450#46; jpg[/img:2d17o2ni]
After 90 years of male drift: in 90s, my parents went to Shenzhen. 18-03-30 Wang Jin, born in 1994, was from Yichun, Jiangxi. In June 2017, he quit his job in Shenzhen to seek opportunities in Xiong Anxin district. Today, he and his local friends set up a decoration design company, running on th...
A hundred medical college students in Shandong at the same stage 18-03-30 Zou Yuande, an intern reporter of Shandong commercial newspaper
Shandong girl received 13 college admission notices to apply for Grand Slam 18-03-29 Reprinted from httphtm
Old lady falls, senior high school student first aid medical treatment without Name: little things need not show off. 18-03-28 Yuan Xiaofeng Intern Zhang Kexin, a journalist of the Chinese business newspaper
Re: sophomore student Cafe cat employees 18-03-27 [img:zskdhdhq]http#58; //n#46; sinaimg#46; cn/default/1_img/upload/3933d981/700/w900h600/20180327/kjE2-fysqfnh2088985#46; jpg[/img:zskdhdhq]
Re: sophomore student Cafe cat employees 18-03-27 [img:3aa5xqfx]http#58; //n#46; sinaimg#46; cn/default/1_img/upload/3933d981/700/w900h600/20180327/h7_Y-fysqfnh2088791#46; jpg[/img:3aa5xqfx]
An umbrella girl for the sanitation worker to enter the high school of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 18-03-27 Zou Yuande, a journalist of the Shandong commercial newspaper
Senior girls are admitted by two world famous schools: they make up for their shortcomings by making achievements. 18-03-26 Chutian city newspaper Zhang Ping Hou Qing