save 300 thousand non buying RV
buy a house or buy a car? He Yunyang's answer is: RV
worked hard for 7 years and saved 300 thousand yuan. Is this money for a down payment or a car? The answer to He Yunyang, 32, is: buy a RV. He said, "when a person is not thinking about buying a house," he hopes to take the RV as his home and look around the world in the future.

He Yunyang's RV stopped at a car camp in Sanshengxiang, Chengdu, for which he had to pay a monthly rent for a car camp. The indoor space of 10 square meters of RV, including beds, tables, chairs, toilets and other basic needs of life. However, the trailer can not travel alone, and must be guided by the standard car.
1.4 meters wide, 2 meters long beside the bed, is the washing table, the door is a bathroom and toilet. The other side of the bed is a sofa, and it can also form a 1 meter wide bed. Next to the sofa is a bar that can cook and burn water. The overhead air conditioning, heating and refrigerators at the feet can ensure a daily life.
in many people's view, 300 thousand yuan, the young man not to buy a house but to buy such a RV, is it a bit too capricious?

"if I buy a house first, I may become a house slave." He Yunyang explained that in other people's view, the car is only a temporary vehicle used for a family tour, which belongs to the daily necessities, but the car he bought, in addition to carrying his life, is also related to his work - he wants to use a car to start a business, and then buy a house by starting a business.
before buying a RV, He Yunyang moved home a year. He didn't like to stay in one place for a long time. He pursued fresh and liked a small living space. He Yunyang fell in love with the "big guy" from 3 cars on the Qin Tai Road in 2005. "The small house that likes to arm to the teeth is in line with what I dream." When
was concerned about the domain names of the 3 RV, He Yunyang realized that the domain name was suitable for being an industry portal. In 2010, the company that had the right to use the domain forgot to renew it, and the domain name was eventually taken over by He Yunyang. He hoped to integrate life and work together.
for the future, He Yunyang hopes to have a chance to drive a RV to Europe. In his opinion, there is no connection between the house and the marriage, but he also says that if the other half proposes to buy a house in the future, he will do it, "but a person's time to think about a person's problem."