British media said India's 18 year old youth made the world's lightest satellite: only 64 grams.
reference message network reported in May 18th British media said that a young India young man was believed to be the lightest satellite in the world, now this is the world's lightest satellite. In June, the satellite will be launched at a facility in the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
according to the Broadcasting British Corporation website in May 16th, the 64 gram satellite made by Rifat Saruk stands out in a youth design contest.
18 year old Saruk said the main purpose of the satellite is to demonstrate the performance of 3D printed carbon fibers.
Saruk told local media that the satellite will take part in a 4 hour sub orbital mission. During this time, the light satellite will operate in the space microgravity environment for about 12 minutes.
he said: "the satellite will be equipped with a new spaceborne computer and 8 built-in sensors to measure the earth's acceleration, rotation and magnetosphere."
the competition called "the cube in space", organized by iDoodle software company by Saruk, was supported by the NASA and the Colorado space research grants Union.
Saruk, from Tamil Nadu, is now the chief scientist of the "India space youth" organization based in Chennai.
"Brown" satellite is not the first invention of Saruk. At the age of 15, Saruk made a helium weather balloon.