other common status codes also include, 200 indicates that everything is normal, 404 pages can not be found, 302 is temporarily turning, and so on.
use 301 redirection to permanently redirect all web pages on your original website to the new website. This can tell search engines and users that your website has been permanently migrated. It is in line with search engine friendly and the most secure URL domain name replacement.
if your new and old web pages cannot correspond to one by one, try to ensure that every web page in your original site will at least redirect to a new web page with similar content. Another important use of
301 is web site standardization. That is, the only homepage address you want.
the following contents are reproduced from http://www.im286.com/thread-6853244-1-1.html
NOTE: In the code examples below, replace.Quot. E to which you want to redirect traffic.
PHP Om/newpage.html.quot;
exit ();
.Gt; [/code]
ASP language
%.gt; [/code]
Save this. />Response.Status =.Quot; 301 Moved Permanently.quot;
Response.AddHeader (.Quot; Location.quot;.Quot; http://www.new-url.com.quot;); E=.quot, 301.quot, statustext=.quot, Moved permanently.quot;.Gt;
.lt;.Cfheader name=.quot; Location.quot; Eate a.Htaccess file to ensure that all requests to coolexample.com will. Hich is the same directory as your index file. You can create. >IIS with Your Dedicated or Virtual Dedicated Server
When using a. #91; NC, R=301.#93; [/code]
ISAPI_Rewrite 1.3 version (302 state code)
[code]RewriteCond Host: ^zpxc\.com$
RewriteRule (. *). Tp://www.zpxc.com$1.#91, I, RP.#93, [/code]
In the Internet Services Manager. He exact URL entered above.
Select A permanent redirection for redirection