Syria American Medical Association confirmed on Monday that a 7 year old Syria girl with 326 thousand fans on Twitter is now safely evacuated from Aleppo. The girl named Bana Alabed and her family are Syria civilians who, together with at least 2700 children on the weekend, left the northern rebel control area of Syria,.
Bana Alabed, posted on Twitter, displayed the war ravaged Aleppo area, and described the story of the house's house destroyed, attracting the world. Attention. Bashar Assad, President of Syria, refused to admit that the tweets were true, and in October Bashar Assad told reporters that the Bana Alabed account was driven by "terrorists or their supporters".

Bana Alabed released a series of tweets last week, and Bana Alabed and her mother asked American first lady Michel Obama to help and express their fear of being caught or killed. They began to evacuate Aleppo on Thursday. According to BBC, Bana Alabed's mother, Fatemah, told reporters that the family was being held for 24 hours on a bus without food or water on a bus without food or water on Sunday night before leaving the city.