kodor is from a village in India's state of Harry, and has become a national celebrity. His knowledge areas include geography, biology, current affairs, economic data, politics and so on. In just three months, he wrote down the population of 213 countries, GDP, income, money, religion, culture, heritage and other information.
now, he regularly goes to schools across the country to solve problems raised by other children on the rostrum. Recently, when a child asked him questions such as the size of the Vatican City and the number of GDP in the UK, he answered easily.
, and he is willing to share his talent and reputation with his family. He said, "I guess the best thing is that I am very lucky that parents and teachers have realized my talent and helped me develop my talent. I have no friends in school, and my grandfather is my best friend. I didn't know why I was different, but I knew I was curious about everything, and I kept asking questions, but for me the answer seemed to stay there.
for his own unique intelligence, Kurdish also like other children is confused about their future. "I want to work at the National Academy of Sciences in India. No, I am still a scientist. An astronaut... " After thinking, he finally said, "I will study before I make a decision."