without any preparation, even for an adult, a single person across the desert is, in general, an act of death. In a desert zone on the northern border of Syria, a 4 year old boy was miraculously miraculously able to stay alone in the desert for a week until it was discovered by the United Nations.
source: lookahead

incredible! In Syria, a 4 year old boy was alone 1 people through the desert for a week until the rescue of
without any preparation, even for an adult, a single person across the desert, in general, was killed. In a desert zone on the northern border of Syria, a 4 year old boy was miraculously miraculously able to stay alone in the desert for a week until it was discovered by the United Nations.
, according to the staff, they were going back to the base after they had finished the task, but when they passed through a desert area, they suddenly saw a small figure, and they looked at a small boy with a plastic bag full of clothes. After questioning, the refugee boy was named Marwan. In a recent unrest, the boy fled with his family and left.
a UN refugee agency spokesman said it was impossible for a 4 year old child to cross the desert alone. If not someone found him, it was likely to be difficult for life and death. Later, the boy was brought to the base and soon found the boy's family.