second child policy has been implemented for nearly a year and a half. In response to this, the majority of the people have chosen not to have a second child. According to the statistics, with the opening of the second child policy, the number of newly born children in 2016 is up to 8 million, accounting for the total number of newborns. More than half of the amount. Most people cry out, but there are so many new born couples. Why?
there are many reasons to choose not to be born, such as the economic pressure, the second child fear of the quality of life; no old man to help with the child; the old big children become more rebellious, not to accept a little brother little sister; the age of women is not suitable for children, and so on.
second born newborns are mostly in rural areas, followed by medium-sized cities and the least in the first tier cities. To put stress on life, rural people should be bigger. Why do people in rural areas have no hesitation? But the rural people with better conditions are prohibitive? Some people would say that rural people prefer boys to girls, so they choose to have a second child. The rural family planning policy has always been that the first born girl can have a second child, and the first born boy is not allowed to regenerate. Therefore, the rural people's response to the second child policy is not related to male preference.
in fact, most rural people choose to have two births, because the concept of raising children to guard against the old is still deeply rooted, and more importantly, the rural people believe in the great role of blood, that the children can have a partner and discuss each other in the future. Affected by the elderly, the choice of a second child in the rural people is not a few, as a land of the two generation of agriculture, when the old man heard of the similar words, I will take some cases in the village refute, the old Li family three children two women, and finally the old two no one, and so on. The old man's answer is that, after all, it is a few, and when you are really old, you will understand that more children are good, don't worry about no money, some people have money, more children and more profits. It's too much to hear such a thing. Five kinds of miscellaneous feelings are in my mind.
on the contrary, the city people do not have so many ideas, have the conditions to live, do not have time without energy, the use of limited resources, the good training of great treasure, as for the elderly still have to rely on themselves, why to increase the burden of children?
two days ago listening to the old man in the village said a word, let me ponder for a long time, in fact, the rural people choose to have two births, that is, the rural economic level is relatively low, the rural people have been suffering for a lifetime, do not want the children to repeat their own destiny, the children are fighting to change their fate, the fate will change the family's fate, more birth one. The opportunity for a child to turn over is great. It seems to be very reasonable.
birth is not a second child, the birth of the two is right or wrong, in a word, the different people have the wisdom to see the wisdom, is not successful or left to the comments, we have to do is to do their own choice.