Why do women take less than 5 hours of self timer per week?
we see a variety of self portraits every day on social networks, of which women take up most of them, and female self portraits seem to be more and more frequent In recent years, Kim Kardashian, the American celebrity, has published a 448 page photo album of "self timer", which is full of her self timer photos. Why is that? Today we will talk about the self timer. In fact, social networks can make women who upload their self timer gain more confidence, which has become the most important reason for many women to share photos of themselves. Recently, the FeelUnique website conducted a statistical survey of women's self timer. Let's take a look at it.
among the 2000 women surveyed, 16 to 25 years old women averaged 3 self time per day. The results showed that the average duration of their self timer was 16 minutes, and most men could not understand how it could take 16 minutes for a clicking of self portraits, because the women paid much attention to the lighting environment, their makeup and the angle of self timer.
and at the time of weekly self timer statistics, FeelUnique found that among women aged 16 to 25, it was less than 5 hours per week for female social networking users, the same time as most people sleep a day.
that is to say, these women spend the whole night in self timer every week. In addition, female users aged between 16 and 25 will keep their own photos on the mobile phone, with an average of about 150. As an otaku, Xiaobian is really unable to understand this practice. It is worth mentioning that with the growth of age, the frequency of female users' self timer will gradually decline.
female self timer users who have been interviewed say they will be repeatedly screened in more than 50 photos of self portraits and then upload their most satisfactory photos to their own homepage. More than 2/3 of female users say they upload self portraits only because they like self portraits, while the remaining 1/3 say they do it in order to attract attention, including their homosexual and heterosexual friends.
for such a survey, the FeelUnique website analyses that women prefer self portraits and take photos not because they are narcissistic, because they want to share their ideas and ideas by self portraits. Of course, men and women who do not like self portraits may not understand this. Law.