source: popular network

"I didn't expect that the people in the transfusion room at the evening were also full, and the doctor said that there was no way to stay in hospital now, until tomorrow." Mr. Wang told reporters.
helpless, Mr. Wang took his daughter to see him early on the morning of the 21 th. In the clinic, Mr. Wang found that the medicine prescribed by the doctor was almost the same as those in the front. The doctor told Mr. Wang that these children were suffering from upper respiratory tract infection. Reporter visits: the hospital children's diagnosis area was full at 2 p.m. in the afternoon of 22. The reporter came to the outpatient department of Pediatrics in Qilu Hospital, and found that there were almost no vacancies in the crowded transfusion room. "Today is not much, the first two days haze days when severe infusion of children more." A nurse in the transfusion room told the reporter.
in Ji'nan Central Hospital, the reporter sees many children here. A nurse told reporters that from the beginning of haze weather, children who came to the infusion almost doubled than usual.
in Qianfo Hill hospital, the situation of the reporter is similar to that of other hospitals. "Now the ward is full, and can not stay." A pediatrician in Qianfo Hill hospital told reporters that patients had to queue up for hospitalization.
Ma Dedong, the chief physician of the Department of respiratory medicine in Qilu Hospital, told reporters that Cory's ward was also not living, and some of the illness had been transferred to the infection department and the health care department. Doctor's diagnosis: Children's infection is mostly "combined symptoms". "This time the child is sick and different from usual. Sick children are not only many, but their condition is also more serious." On the afternoon of 21, the assistant director of Pediatrics of Qianfo Hill hospital, Dr. Cai Jinguang, told reporters that because of the long impact of the fog and haze this year, the emergence of "combined systemic symptoms" was also common.
Cai Jinguang said, from the case of his visit, the children of Pediatrics present the following characteristics this year: 10 days to a few months, the respiratory tract is mainly infected with syncytial virus, and the symptoms of nasal congestion and runny nose appear, and the fever, and even bronchiolitis in some children are also present.
"children from several months to 3 years old, the main symptoms are high fever, accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms." Cai Jinguang found that this year's virus infection is particularly destructive to the respiratory epithelium, often accompanied by severe cough and cross infection.
3 to ten years old, the majority of the children, the flu - based, Cai Jinguang said, he received a number of high fever, "burn 3 - 5 days, some children will even develop pneumonia." Cai Jinguang said that this year, the sick children showed the symptoms of "virus bacteria Mycoplasma" mixed effects, many children respiratory and digestive tract infection, combined with the symptoms of a lot of the situation. "These are largely related to the increase of haze days and cold days." Cai Jinguang said. Doctor analysis: haze particles are "culprit" "not only PM2.5, from the PM10 down, smaller particles, the greater the impact on the child's respiratory tract." Cai Jinguang explained to reporters that starting from PM10, until PM2.5, in turn will affect the upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract of the child, eventually affecting the lungs.
Cai Jinguang introduced that these particles can enter the alveolus and blood after inhaling the human body. These particles are deposited on the alveoli, damage the alveoli and mucous membrane, cause chronic fibrosis of the lung tissue, cause pulmonary heart disease, aggravate asthma, cause chronic nasopharyngitis, chronic bronchitis and a series of pathological changes, serious danger and life. "
" coarse particles, which can infringe on the respiratory system, induce asthma, and fine particles, may cause heart disease, lung disease, respiratory disease, and lower lung function. " Cai Jinguang said that these particles are more harmful to children than adults. "Because their respiratory system is more fragile, they can not afford" toss up. " "This year's haze and cold weather in Ji'nan are more frequent than ever before, and this is even more dramatic." Cai Jinguang said.