after making a good CT or X light, do you know how pregnant you are? My love asks the doctor consulting room, often someone will pay this question. Today, with the help of an assistant professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Bobcats wrote this article to answer your questions.
this issue, the International Commission on radiation protection, has a special report on this problem, that is, only more than 100 millore (mGy) can be harmful to the fetus. It may hurt the fetus, and it may not hurt. That is to say, the absorbed dose greater than 100 milgy is not all harmful to the fetus. It is certain that the absorbed dose of less than 100 mGy will certainly not cause harm to the fetus.
absorption dose refers to the size of radiation energy absorbed by tissues or organs of a unit mass. The unit of absorbed dose is Gy, and 1Gy is equivalent to 1 joules for radiation to each kilogram of mass tissues or organs.
according to the report of the International Committee on Radiological Protection eighty-fourth, citing the results of the British census, see below. The

84 report cites the British fetal radiation absorption dose survey results
the average fetal absorption dose caused by conventional X light examination is less than 2 millagrey, and the maximum is not more than 10 millagrey. The conventional CT scan was less than 10 milgy in addition to the pelvic cavity scan of 25 milli Gy. This means that when the site is not near the uterus, the risk of the fetus is very low. You may think that although the average is 25, the highest value may be close to 80. Yes, 80 is it dangerous?
Report No. 105th of the International Commission on Radiation Protection said that the fetus may be exposed to radiation during pregnancy, which may encounter four dangers: the
one is the effect of death.
this risk usually occurs in the first two weeks before embryonic development, that is, four weeks before pregnancy.
two weeks before pregnancy (four weeks of pregnancy), ovulation at 14 days before menstruation, pregnancy is the time of fertilization of eggs, so the number of weeks of pregnancy and pregnancy is different. The
report points out that the absorbed dose below 100 milli is very small in embryo lethality. On the other hand, the effect of the radiation on the embryo at this time is all or no, and the embryo will die and abort if a little damage is made, and the embryo that can be left alive must be a good embryo.
two is the cause of congenital malformation.
at the time of embryonic development to organogenesis (3 to 8 weeks of pregnancy), if the embryo is damaged by radiation, the embryo may survive, and it may cause congenital anomaly (malformation), and the minimum absorption dose of the embryo is about 100 milmillore.
three is the central nervous system
embryonic development 8 to 25 weeks, the fetal central nervous system will begin to be sensitive to radiation. In the report, it is pointed out that there is no evidence of mental retardation caused by the absorbed dose of fetus less than 100 milgy in clinic. However, if the dose is greater than 1000 milgy, there may be serious mental retardation. This effect is usually obvious in eighth to 15 weeks, and relatively low after sixteenth weeks.