source: Ji'nan Food Bureau

was chaired by the representative of the Ministry of education, Ms. Wei Jianhong. Vice mayor Zhao Wenzhao delivered a speech on behalf of the municipal government, and the members of the Tianjin University team reported the main contents of the "Research on the food security guarantee in the central city", as well as the new report and technical report, and the director of Li Huibao reported the application of the research results. By reviewing the project materials, hearing reports, questioning and discussing and discussing, the experts of the appraisal committee agreed that the results of the "Research on the food security guarantee of the central city" have broken through the research ideas of the traditional food safety guarantee, and put forward the guarantee for the safety of grain quantity, quality and safety and process safety in the central city. The road and the guarantee mode of the industrialization of grain security are the pioneering exploration of the thought of food security, and provide important theoretical support for the food security guarantee of the central city in China. It will have an important role in promoting the research of grain security to a higher level. The results not only have an important role in the grain work in Ji'nan. Important value, and provide important theoretical basis and method support for the establishment and benign development of the grain security system of other large and medium-sized cities in China. The project has the characteristics of theoretical, innovative, practical and operable, and the research results have reached the first level of the world; it is suggested to further increase the results. A wide range of applications.