Shun Net -
22 morning, Ji'nan refined oil price cut 0.2 yuan / liter, the biggest reduction this year. However, some of the gas stations in Ji'nan have not been able to fall enough, to launch more favorable promotions, or even 0.4 yuan per liter of gasoline, not only by private gas stations, but also by the giant PetroChina, which has always been a firm price.
40 Fen
40 Fen
at noon, the reporter saw in an oil gas station near the north industrial north road. The oil price here has been adjusted in accordance with the regulations of the national development and Reform Commission. The price of No. 93 gasoline is 7.63 yuan per liter, which has been reduced by 0.2 yuan than the 21 day.
in the middle of the PetroChina gas station, there is also a big sign which says: petrol drops 4 cents every Monday, three and five. Staff members said that the reason for the price reduction is to engage in promotional activities, and only within the prescribed time can they enjoy 0.4 yuan per liter discount.
this is very rare in the past. The national development and Reform Commission (NDRC) will adjust the price of refined oil, which will set a maximum price, which can not exceed that limit, but it can be lower than this price. As oil products are not sold, two barrels of oil are usually sold at the highest price when they are retailing to earn the maximum profit, which is seldom lower than the price.
three gas stations in the price war
why the oil gas station near the north industrial north road is limited in price reduction? Staff only use promotion as a reason. However, reporters around the discovery, gathered here a number of gas stations, competition can be described as fierce.
there is a private gas station not far from this gas station. No. 93 gasoline is only 7.15 yuan per liter, and this is a fixed price, not limited to a specific time. Obviously, the price is 0.48 yuan / liter lower than the price of the oil gas station nearby. Even when PetroChina has been promoted on Monday, three, and five, the price is still 0.08 yuan / liter. There is also a Shell gas station near
, and the discount is also opposite. The big sign says, "Tuesday, Thursday and Zhou Liuzhi drop 4 cents." As the world's largest oil company, Shell has more than 43000 gas stations in the world. It entered Ji'nan in the first two years and was 0.5 yuan / liter when it opened.
gas station profit is still more than two times as much as
in a place where gas stations are densely laid, and there is a constant price reduction,.Amp; lsquo two barrels of oil.Amp; rsquo is also general. Wang Luan, an analyst at Zhuo Chuang, told reporters.
it was introduced that the average price difference between wholesale and retail gasoline was even more than 1400 yuan per ton before the substantial price reduction of the oil product, creating the highest record of the wholesale and zero difference in recent years. After the price adjustment, gasoline price cut 245 yuan / ton, wholesale and retail price difference still has 1100 yuan / ton.
Wang Luan said, according to the previous national development and Reform Commission's provisions, the wholesale and zero price difference of 400 yuan / ton belongs to the normal level. Obviously, the profit of the gas station is still more than two times the normal profit, and still has the operating space for the sale promotion.