[color=red] beforehand that all the following machines are goods, the original three no machines, no dark disease (except the N93i keyboard lights are not bright, the 2600 tail is not charged), the color is defined For garbage (no injuries and cracks), and problems back! You can give me a counter-offer, say your full reason, as long as I promise you, other people give me more money, I won't sell it (if you contact me by phone, then reply to a post)!
[/color] 1. NOKIA N93i, original loading three no, color defined as garbage, functional use of all normal, keyboard lights (the machine's common disease), business electricity, NOKIA original 1G memory card, original charger, data line (this can be found)! 299 yuan!

2. NOKIA 2300, the original loading three no, the color definition is garbage, the function uses all normal, original battery There is a set of 3A assembly shells, and they are sent together. 99 yuan!
3. NOKIA 2600, original goods three no, the definition is garbage, function uses everything normal, tail plug not to charge, electricity! 35 yuan!
4. Samsung D508, the original shipment is three no, the color definition is garbage, the function uses all normal, the flying power standby is good, the original charger, the original small horn (you know)! 60 yuan!
telephone [color=darkorchid]138-5315-3598[/color]! Please contact directly, confirm that the purchase will be answered in the post, no dove! Package price phone reconsideration!