AMD speed dragon 3000 AM2 dual core processor 512M memory pan X1300 graphics card 40G hard disk 260 yuan
client's back host
AMD speed 3000 AM2
512M DDR2 memory
Pan positive NF4 motherboard, with 4 memory slot
Pan / > chassis power / > Seagate / > a CD-ROM drive is also broken.
power supply digital state, there is a warranty. Is
260 a second?
is not satisfied with the configuration, as well as n 512M memory and 160G on Seagate hard disk.
there is also a second-hand 17 flat screen display, MICROSTAR, pre milky white, after orange, 50 bar.
contact mode
Dongtai science and technology: Ji'nan Zhang Zhuang Road Xingji River Auto Distribution city B District No. 11, Jincheng steam distribution, sales and storage software sales, computer maintenance, maintenance, network, monitoring, second-hand, printer, IT service
phone: 0531-58666531 13953145500 QQ49595545