1, speed dragon dual core 3600 (939), panzheng 9NPA Ultra (also as NF4 generation phuang, ha ha), Kingston DDR 400 1G x 2 (double channel), West 250G parallel port, Xiangsheng cheetah 7300GT (256M, GDR3), the upper universal chassis, sea American power supply, Samsung disk normal) . CPU motherboard 100 memory 100 hard disk 120 graphics card 40 mechanical and electrical 40 drive 0=400, 350 of the whole machine, not too much.
2, race D352 (65nm, 3.2G), ASUS P5PL2 (945PL), Adata 1G dual channel, Seagate 80G serial port, seven rainbow 6800GS, Jin Hetian machine case (send a drive - position drawer plugging hole, ha ha), HP tear down platform to rated 300W power. It's 200 meters for the whole machine.
physical map, the test chart is not on the first, have been measured, there is no problem, hard drive is not bad. Ji'nan local transaction first, two ring, QQ:259274912.

[i Mg]http://bbs.sd001.com/data/attachment/forum/201307/06/225444yj1hz46bi2sbbzm2.jpg border="0">