in the 1.5 hour drive from Ji'nan, there is one of the best stay in Shandong, and is the most present of the whole river. The ancient and most complete large stone bridge, Ming Shiqiao, is still meandering on the great Wen River so far.
Ming stone bridge, green grass green, fish duck group, blue and blue water blue sky, riverside and well preserved fair wall, Shanxi Guildhall, ancient stone house and ancient village, original taste, "hundreds of steps, no miscellaneous trees, fragrant grass, beautiful, colorful". Quiet and tranquil, traffic is more convenient, it is a wonderful place to play.
the name of Taishan is too big to cover up a lot of other beautiful and historical cultural attractions in Tai'an, and it also objectively keeps these places fully and ecologically preserved.
want to visit the friends of Ming Shiqiao, set the destination as "(Tai'an Daiyue Davin town) Taiping Street Village", from the city of Tai'an self driving about half an hour, Ji'nan city self driving the fastest 1.5 hours to arrive. With family or friends, to stay quiet for a day, absolutely "dust and miscellaneous things", the river open land and the river center of the beach are very open, very suitable for picnic, but not BBQ, easy to trigger fire, and pollution of the original ecological environment.
Tai Ping Street Village entrance
navigation to the village of Taiping Street, there is a railway culvert, parking in the open road by the roadside, then walk south walking into the village, the car actually can also go in, but walk the original taste of the village Fall, it feels good. It takes about ten minutes to walk from here to Ming Shi Qiao.
ancient and antique village
Shaw Hutong