10, Mr. Wang, who lived in the Ji'nan Milky Way Garden District in Shandong, saw a row of workers he had never seen in the northwest of Ji'nan. This row of buildings, which are like the clouds, disappear for about half an hour, and Mr. Wang thinks it should be a mirage in the legendary.
Mr. Wang's family lives in the galaxy garden of Huaiyin District. As the view of the 28 story top floor is very open, Mr. Wang bought a telescope and often overlooks the distant scenery. At about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Mr. Wang accidentally saw a row of buildings that he had never seen in the northwest. "There are more than a dozen chimneys, and there seems to be smoke in the chimney, but the smoke is still, and it can not be seen. The chimney is a tall building." Mr. Wang said he had never seen these buildings before.
"it feels so far and far away, it seems to the junction of heaven and earth. There is a bright and bright light belt in that place, and the rest of the place is cloudy, and these buildings appear in this light belt." Mr. Wang said he thought it was a "mirage" in the legend. At 3:25 yesterday afternoon, the reporter saw a bright white light belt in the northwest direction of Ji'nan on the top of a building on the calendar mountain road. But he did not see what Mr. Wang said. At 3:40 the reporters contacted Mr. Wang again. He said the scenes had become very pale and were about to disappear. "I am looking with a telescope. The telescope can see it. It's more clear. "
, according to Mr. Wang, the scenes he saw were static, without position movement. "It looks like an industrial area, it's all gray, no color." Mr. Wang told reporters that he had heard of such a scene in this position in the past two years, and everyone said it was a mirage.
it is well known that a mirage appears in the desert and the sea, and often repeats itself, but Ji'nan does not have these two conditions. How can such a landscape be found? Yesterday afternoon, the reporter interviewed Mr. Hu, the staff of the Ji'nan Municipal Meteorological Bureau. Mr. Hu told reporters that, although Ji'nan did not rely on the sea and no desert, it also had a mirage. "The mirage has a great relationship with the atmospheric temperature. The temperature is usually a mirage formed by the weather bar." Today's weather does not exclude the possibility of mirage. But Mr. Hu also suggested that the bright white belt might be a good visibility in that area, so Mr. Wang saw a distant view that he could not see at all.
[b] - news link [/b]
[b] Ji'nan last year, [/b]
[b] suspected "mirage" [/b]
in March 29, 2011, a net friend issued a topic entitled "the mirage above Zhangqiu at 7:10 in March 29, 2011". The posted netizen "Mei Yuan Chao Ge" said that this was the picture he took on the dormitory building of the fifth middle school in Zhangqiu on the morning of 7:10 on the 29 day. In the picture, the sky in the top of a few residential buildings appeared in the mountains, the peaks were covered in the fog, and the buildings were contrasted with the buildings below, like a fairyland.
in the reply, many netizens have been curious about this peculiar landscape. Some netizens questioned the mirage not the mirage, but the scene caused by the "smooth fog". It is pointed out that the northern part of Zhangqiu is Changbai Mountain. But then meteorology experts pointed out that the possibility of advection fog is not large, and most likely it is a mirage.