Ji'nan daily Author: how to cover the happiness

Ji'nan Spring Festival, the public tourists say! "Ji'nan spring water Festival Creative collection activities" officially launched on 17 days, facing Public and tourists are publicly collecting ideas. The event was carried out exclusively by the Ji'nan daily newspaper group. The collection includes the theme slogan, theme image, theme music, thematic music, special project design and special activities planning of the Ji'nan Spring Festival. It aims to highlight the participation of the whole people and make the Ji'nan Spring Festival as the first class event in the country. After the completion of the collection, the public will be selected publicly. Members of the public can also sign up to become members of the panel of experts.
historical and cultural city, Quan Quan Quan, Ji'nan spring. Wang Min, the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, stressed that the tourism industry is not only the economic support of regional development, but also a social cause benefiting millions of people. It is necessary to make the Ji'nan Spring Festival a common festival for the masses of the people. How to do the Ji'nan Spring Festival Ji'nan characteristics, embodies the people-oriented, the purpose of the participation of the people? This requires every Jinan and the people concerned about Ji'nan spring water. The
"Ji'nan Spring Festival festival" was officially launched on the 17 day and was exclusively hosted by Ji'nan daily newspaper group. The collection includes the theme slogan of "Ji'nan Spring Festival", which embodies the spring water culture and the city spirit, and the theme "Ji'nan Spring Festival", which covers the Spring Festival mascot and the Spring Festival LOGO, and the theme music of the "Ji'nan Spring Festival" including the words and music works, including the overall planning scheme and press conference. The project of "Ji'nan Spring Festival" and the planning of special events are included in the plan, opening plan, theme week plan and so on. All the works provided are original and reflect the purpose of "making a living for the spring and spreading the spirit for the city". The theme is outstanding and its characteristics are distinct.
this collection will be completed from May 17th to July 31st. The creative or scheme to participate in the evaluation should be marked with contact. The results will be published through the media, and the winners will be informed in time. The ownership, the right to use, the right of amendment and the corresponding intellectual property rights of all the winning works belong to the owner of the active trademark owner.
citizens and tourists can participate in various ways. 1, letter: the letter: the contributor can mail the letter to the 1103 room of the Ji'nan Daily Newspaper Group No. seven, No. 28-1 (postcode: 250001). The manuscript will note the "creative collection activities of the Ji'nan Spring Festival", and the contributors need to leave the manuscript from the bottom of the manuscript. 2, e-mail, micro-blog: electronic manuscripts sent to the designated mailbox jnqsjzwh@163.com; micro-blog participation should be published in the form of comment on the official micro-blog, Sina micro-blog is http://weibo.com/u/2729632291, Tencent micro-blog is http://t.qq.com/jnqsjzwh. 3, SMS voting platform participation mode: Mobile, Unicom, telecom users edit 121 content, send SMS to 10627788999, information fee: 1 yuan / article (excluding communication fee). 4, special page address: http://jnqsj.e23.cn/. 5, concentrated activities area: in order to give full play to the creative advantages of young students and professional teams, special areas are set up in Shandong University, Shandong Normal University, Shandong College of Arts, Shandong technical academy, University of Jinan and other colleges and universities, as well as the Qilu animation and game industry base. After the
collection activity is completed, the contractor will conduct preliminary screening in the delivery plan, and submit the selected works to the jury. The committee is responsible for formulating detailed rules for the selection of methods. According to the scoring criteria, various awards are evaluated, and the Committee of the Ji'nan Spring Festival Creative collection activities will be submitted to the committee to decide the final award.
it is understood that the members of the Committee of the Ji'nan Spring Festival Creative collection will be composed of all walks of life, including tourism, garden industry workers, media practitioners, tourism experts, folk experts, photographers, artists, musicians, young scholars, student representatives and public representatives. At any time, a new member can be added. If members of the public want to be members of the jury, they can sign up actively, and the contractors will confirm the list according to the screening results. Activity consulting phone: 0531-82886329.