PhpBB3 style template file list
[url= q0jwcbwg]Knowledge Base - phpBB3 Styles'.
translator: greatboy
Description: a list of all files used in phpBB3 style style. The
phpBB3 style file list
is like phpBB2, and phpBB3 contains a header, the body and the page corner, where overall_header.html and simple_header.html control the header, overall_footer.html and simple_footer.html to control the page angle, and the rest are defined by other template files (I will explain in the later text) The ordinary pages use overall_header.html and overall_footer.html (and of course, index, viewforum, Viewtopic, etc.). Further, the theme uses simple_header.html and simple_footer.html, and now the more attractive thing is that the header and the page angle are completely determined by their own template files. Rather than PHP files, you can use any file to be your header, or even to design a completely new header. The
phpBB3 release version includes two styles, prosilver and subsilver2, and each single style has different designs and codes:
consists of tables, like the old subsilver of phpBB2, and CSS is used to define colors, backgrounds and so on.
relies entirely on CSS, which is designed by DIVs and Lists. The
file extension name has been changed from phpBB2's TPL to the HTML used by phpBB3 now. This is done to make it easier for some people to write grammatical highlighting, simplify their work, and so on. The
Styles folder contains a style.cfg file and three folders. Style.cfg contains style information (style names, authors, versions, and so on), and these folders are:
imageset- contains the pictures used in this style and a imageset.cfg file that defines style pictures.
template- contains the main HTML files, responsible for style design, page display and so on. There is also a template.cfg file that contains template information.
theme- contains CSS files, colors, backgrounds, links and so on to define how things are displayed. And a theme.cfg file that contains the subject information.
here is a list that contains the description of all the files you can find in the styles directory ("prosilver" or "subsilver2") and the functions that each file contains: there are two different styles and different styles of
phpBB3. I will first list the same files in the two styles, they have the same functions, and then I will list different files with different styles than other styles.
theme folder
stylesheet.css-, which is responsible for the CSS encoding design and the use of all pseudo classes.
prosilver has different files relative to subsilver2:
bidi.css- is responsible for using RTL to adjust forums, such as Arabic and Hebrew.
buttons.css- is responsible for the display of the forum button (the latest article, reply, etc.).
colours.css- the document is responsible for the color, text, background and so on.
common.css- common style like page header, main body, footer and so on.
content.css- content and internal page style, such as viewforum_body.html, viewtopic_body.html and so on.
cp.css- user control panel styles, tags, PMs pages, and so on.
forums.css- window style, examples: login box, publishing page, text domain, and so on.
large.css- displays large fonts when using the'A'button.
links.css- links style, color, background, hovers and so on. (color is inherited from colours.css, which is used to format them, text size, style, and so on).
medium.css- displays medium sized text when using'A'button.
normal.css- displays normal size text when the'A'button returns to the start state.
print.css- is responsible for formatting the theme to the print state when using the print button.
tweaks.css-'s special adjustment for browsers, such as IE.
all these files will be combined to the stylesheet.css file by using the'import'statement: the
code: [url= F=24.amp; amp; t=6797.amp; amp; p=31802.amp; amp; hilit= theme tags; T;); the
theme folder also contains a images folder, which contains pictures, backgrounds, icons, etc. that are used in style.
Template folder
attachment.html- the file is published in the post and PMs shows the attachment. The
bbcode.html-BBcode button file contains buttons and their work.
confirm_body.html- acknowledgement page. Appear in places where things need to be identified (like deleting a topic).
custom_profile_fields.html- custom configuration page appears in the edit configuration file, when specified in the registration page.
editor.js- edit the JavaScript file, which is used to write an article, reply to PM, and apply the BBcode button and other writing objects.
faq_body.html- Frequently Asked Questions page and BBcode help page.
forumlist_body.html- this file displays the front page of the forum and the category of the sub forum.
jumpbox.html- displays a quick jump page.
login_body.html- login page, use login forum, or confirm password into ACP (administrator control panel).
mcp_approve.html- theme and article approval page. When a topic or article is in queue, the document is responsible for displaying them. The
mcp_ban.html- closures the page and displays when the moderator agrees to close the user. The page corner of
mcp_footer.html-MCP (page control panel) contains pagination, themes, articles and so on.
mcp_forum.html- is managed in the MCP forum. The front page of
mcp_front.html-MCP contains recent behaviors: the last 5 reports, the last 5 logs, and so on. The
mcp_header.html-MCP header contains tags and blocks, slowing down object titles, and so on.
mcp_logs.html- webpage log page, a webmaster can view his and other webpage behavior page.
mcp_message.html- this information appears after the moderator finished an action, giving an example to change the type of a topic.
mcp_move.html- moderator mobile theme page, you can choose the destination of the theme mobile and approve the mobile.
mcp_note_front.html- members warn the front page, you choose users here, and his warning will appear.
mcp_notes_user.html- user warning page appears, where you can read the user warning and write your own warning on it.
mcp_post.html-MCP's article review page, for the moderator display options to lock the editing of the article, change the author and so on.
mcp_queue.html- this page displays themes and articles in the reviewing queue.
mcp_reports.html- this page displays the report of MCP.
mcp_topic.html-MCP's theme review page, where you can edit, lock, change viscosity, and so on.
mcp_viewlogs.html- displays a page of a special topic log.
mcp_warn_front.html- warning page, you can see most of the users who are warned, the 5 recent warnings and users who choose a warning are here.
mcp_warn_list.html- a page that displays the list of all warnings members.
mcp_warn_post.html- warns users of a page of special articles. When you click a warning in an article, it will appear.
mcp_warn_user.html- warns a user's page when you look for a user from the warning front page and click on a warning when he clicks his personal data.
mcp_whois.html- displays a page of IP information when you click on who he is.
memberlist_body.html- member list page. Click on the user list in the header to see the page.
memberlist_email.html- sends a email page in which the user data clicks on 'send mail username' or the email theme will see the page (in the email setting "the user sends email through the forum" must be enabled).
memberlist_im.html- pops up a page to send instant messages, and you can see the page when you click on instant messaging.
memberlist_leaders.html- administrator and moderator list page, click on the page corner 'management team' will see it.
memberlist_search.html- looks for the user page, clicking on the member list to click 'find the user' will see it.
memberlist_view.html- user data display page, click the user name will see the page.
message_body.html- is an ordinary message, and when you do an action, such as adding a topic, there is a message that "the article has been published successfully" and so on, and the page is responsible for these. The page corner of
overall_footer.html- forum is used on main pages, such as home page, forum, search, etc. It includes copyright, translation information and so on. The header of
overall_header.html- forum is used in main pages, including logo, links, and so on. The
posting_attach_body.html- appendix block is displayed on the published page.
posting_body.html- published pages, used in writing themes, articles, PMs... And so on.
posting_buttons.html- this page is responsible for displaying the BBcode button, using the theme, PM, and so on.
posting_poll_body.html- this page displays a 'add vote' block, which appears when writing a topic.
posting_preview.html- displays a preview of a topic, article or information page, and when you write a topic, article, or information, click the 'Preview' button, which will appear.
posting_review.html- this page appears when you write a reply and have another topic reply during your writing, the page will show and tell you that you have a reply and let you see if you see if you change your reply content.
posting_smilies.html- expression page appears when writing theme, reply or information. The
posting_topic_review.html- theme revisited the page and appeared in the reply theme to revisit the theme.
search_body.html- search the front page, and click the search button on the header to see the page.
search_results.html- search results page, search any terms, the page will be displayed.
simple_footer.html- pop-up window's page corner, theme revisit the page and so on.
simple_header.html- popup window header, theme re viewed page and so on.
template.cfg- this file contains template information for defining the forum template.
ucp_agreement.html- agrees with the page, and when you click the header user registration will see it.
ucp_attachments.html- is a page in the forum that displays all the users' attachments, but you can see the page by clicking on the 'management attachment' on the UCP (user management page). The corner of the
ucp_groups_manage.html- management group page, if you are a user group administrator, the page is responsible for management.
ucp_groups_membership.html- group membership page, click 'User Group' to see the page. The header of
ucp_header.html-UCP contains blocks, links, and so on. The
ucp_main_bookmarks.html- bookmark page displays bookmarks and allows you to manage them. You can see the page when you click the 'manage bookmarks'.
ucp_main_drafts.html- management draft page, when clicking on the UCP 'management draft' can find him.
ucp_main_front.html-UCP front page, you can see the page in the header click 'user management panel'.
ucp_main_subscribed.html- displays your subscription page, where you view and manage your subscription, and click UCP in the "management subscription" to see it.
ucp_pm_history.html- history information, when users reply to information, display your information history.
ucp_pm_message_footer.html- private information page, when you look at a message, you will see.
ucp_pm_options.html- private information settings, in the 'private information' page click 'rules, folders and settings' you can see the page.
ucp_pm_popup.html- new mail pop-up window, when you have new messages and you are enabled in the 'Forum parameter', there is a private message pop-up window option.
ucp_pm_viewfolder.html- view folder pages, display information in folders, for example, input box, output box, send information, and so on. You can see the page at the forum click.
ucp_pm_viewmessage.html- to view the information page, click on a message and read it to see it. The
ucp_prefs_personal.html- global settings page can be seen in UCP by clicking 'Forum parameter' and then clicking 'edit global settings'.
ucp_prefs_post.html- publish the default settings page, click the forum parameter in UCP and click on Edit default publication to see the page.
ucp_prefs_view.html- displays the settings page, clicking the 'Forum parameter' on UCP, and then clicking the edit display option to see it.
ucp_profile_avatar.html- avatar settings page, click on UCP in 'personal data' and click 'edit head' to see it. The
ucp_profile_profile_info.html- personal data page can be seen in UCP by clicking 'personal data' and then clicking 'edit personal data'.
ucp_profile_reg._details.html- account settings page, e-mail, password, and so on. Click on 'personal data' in UCP and click 'edit account settings' to see it.
ucp_profile_signature.html- signature settings page, click on UCP 'personal data' and click 'edit signature' to see it.
ucp_register.html- registers the new user page, and you can see it in the header click 'register'.
ucp_remind.html- password to retrieve the page, click on the login page, 'I forgot the password' to see it.
ucp_resend.html- sends the activation code again, if you are not activated email. Click 'send activation e-mail' to see it.
ucp_zebra_foes.html- blacklist management page, display your blacklist and allow you to add, manage them, click on 'friends and blacklists' in UCP and click' manage blacklist 'to see it.
ucp_zebra_friends.html- friend management page.
viewforum_body.html- displays the forum page, and you can see it on the homepage by clicking the title of the forum.
viewonline_body.html- displays who's online page and clicks on the home page 'who's online' to see it.
viewonline_whois.html- displays the page of his IP information when he hits "who is he" on the viewonline.php page.
viewtopic_body.html- displays the theme and page of the article. You can see it by clicking on a topic heading.
viewtopic_print.html- print preview page. When you view the theme, click on the print button on the header to see it.
each style and relatively different files.
drafts.html- loads a draft page, which can be seen when clicking 'loading' is published.
forum_fn.js- forum function JavaScript file, control pop-up window, jump page and so on. The main publication page of
posting_layout.html- publish page, including edit box, expression and voting, attachments and so on. The main page for
posting_pm_layout.html- to write information, like posting_layout.html, is just private information. This claim has nothing to do with'posting_body.html'itself. Include them in this document, respectively. This declares that'posting_body.html'has nothing itself, but is divided into the,' change font 'function, active stylesheet settings, etc.
ucp_avatar_options.html- user profile settings. Like the published page,'ucp_profile_avatar.html'also contains the file to display the avatar settings.
breadcrumbs.html- this page displays navigation paths and time settings. The jump page of
mcp_jumpbox.html-MCP (the file is no longer in use).
memberlist_group.html- this page displays group information, clicking 'group name' can see the page.
pagination.html- this file shows pagination, themes and so on, if more than one page.
posting_progress_bar.html- loads the page. When uploading an attachment, a pop-up window shows the loading progress. This is what it will display.
searchbox.html- forum, theme and so on search box.
in order to contain a file, you can achieve this goal by using the'INCLUDE'function, such as:
code: [url= F=24.amp; amp; t=6797.amp; amp; p=31802.amp; amp; hilit= theme tag.